Management of Allergies and Intolerances
Did you know that over 20% of the UK population has an allergy, intolerance, or sensitivity to foods! So, if you are experiencing symptoms after mealtimes then it could be caused by something specific that you’ve eaten. I can help you safely identify potential food groups that could be triggering your symptoms, and support you with suggestions for food swaps and diet changes to help you manage the symptoms. Get in touch at the bottom of this page to find out more!
Please note, if you are experiencing severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pains or swelling around the face, call 999 for urgent medical attention. Only a GP or medical professional can diagnose an allergy through blood tests. Please contact your GP for further information.

6 Weeks “Take Back control” Health Programme
This consultation is for you if…
- You have a medical condition or health blocker* and need help managing multiple symptoms but with a more holistic approach that considers your lifestyle and food preferences
- You are experiencing some health blockers, either in a mental health or physical health capacity and you want to feel less fearful of the impact your food choices will have on your health
- You want to regain control over your health and feel empowered to make food choices that fuel your health and happiness
- You don’t want to rely on medication^ to manage your health, and (where possible) want to reverse your diagnosis
- You are feeling overwhelmed about the right steps to take to achieve your goals and would like some guidance to help keep you on track
- You want to make long-lasting diet and lifestyle changes that help you overhaul your health
- You want weekly personalised support to guide you through your programme and help you to feel your best self again
This programme includes: In week 1:
- One-to-one consultation with our Registered Nutritionist (up to 60 minutes)
- Review of a 3 day food diary and discussion of how your food and lifestyle choices could be exacerbating your symptoms (where applicable), or preventing you from achieving your goals
- Discussion of health challenges and existing understanding of symptom management, with suggested tweaks to take back control of your health
- We drill down into your primary and secondary goals, and establish some dietary and lifestyle changes that will help you to achieve this goal.
- We develop a personalised action plan that we will implement across the 6 week programme
Across the 6 weeks:
- We drill down into the results of the food diary analysis, concentrating on a new factor each week. For example (this is personalised to you, so might look slightly different in your own programme):
- Your total energy intake – Are you eating the right amount to support your health and weight management?
- Macronutrient intake – Are you eating the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to best manage your symptoms and help you feel your best?
- Diagnosis specific – Are you aware of the best foods to support your health goal and which foods might be hindering your progress?
- We implement your personalised action plan, with a new key focus each week. This helps us to assess the impact of the changes we make and avoids feeling overwhelmed, but instead tweaking your lifestyle gradually
- Weekly online one-to-one consultations with our Registered Nutritionist, focusing on a new topic to include in your nutrition strategy, including a weekly ‘task’ or ‘to do list’ to keep you on track. (up to 30 minutes per call)
In week 6:
- One-to-one consultation with our Registered Nutritionist (up to 60 minutes)
- Review total progress made across the 6 week programme, and summary of our Nutritionist’s key recommendations for your next steps
Investment: £520
* For example (but not limited to): Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, acid reflux, menopause, PCOS, weight management.
^ Our registered Nutritionist will never make recommendations about medication, or prescribe medication, please always discuss changes to your medication with your GP before implementing

60 Minute Health Intensive
This consultation is for you if…
- You have a health condition or blocker*, and need help tackling this health challenge
- You want to feel less fearful of the impact your food choices will have on your health.
- You want to regain control over your health and not let the health blocker dictate your life health
- You want to better understand how diet and lifestyle can help you to feel more like yourself again
- You have received a diagnosis from your GP or consultant, but you’re feeling lost about how to alter your diet and lifestyle to combat the diagnosis
- You want personalised support from a Registered Nutritionist who can give you responsible advice to help address your health goals and challenges
This session includes:
- One-to-one consultation with our Registered Nutritionist.
- Review of a 3 day food diary and discussion of how your food and lifestyle choices could be exacerbating your symptoms
- Discussion of health condition or blocker and existing understanding of symptom management, with suggested tweaks to take back control of your health
- We drill down into your primary goal and start to explore the dietary and lifestyle changes that will help you to achieve this goal.
- Client feedback sheet with a summary of the session and our Nutritionist’s key recommendations for your next steps
Investment: £145
* For example (but not limited to): Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, acid reflux, menopause, PCOS, weight management.
^ Our registered Nutritionist will never make recommendations about medication, or prescribe medications, please always discuss changes to your medication with your GP before implementing